Sign Language Week Day 3
Sign Language Week Day 3
Protecting BSL
The theme for Sign Language Week 2023 is Protecting BSL. But what does this really mean? And how can we go about protecting BSL? Well, we’re going to look at those questions in today’s blog post!
Why should you, we and the UK protect BSL?
BSL is a vital means of communication for Deaf people. For many people who are Deaf, BSL is their first language and the main way they communicate with the world around them. By protecting the use of BSL, we can help to ensure that Deaf people have full and equal access to communication.
But this isn’t only about communication. BSL is an important part of the UK's cultural heritage. Like any language, BSL has its own unique history. It is a rich and vibrant language that reflects the experiences and perspectives of the Deaf community. By protecting BSL, we are helping to preserve an important aspect of the UK's cultural diversity.
“BSL is becoming more and more diluted”, says Jonny, our Managing Director. “With less and less young Deaf people attending Deaf Schools, they are not becoming involved and embedded within the Deaf Community as they would have done in the past. ”
Photo Credit: British Deaf Association (BDA)
Protecting BSL can have practical benefits for people of all ages throughout society as a whole. Remark! provides BSL interpretation and translation, and by doing so are ensuring that Deaf people have access to essential services such as healthcare and education. This can help to reduce inequalities and ensure that everyone has equal access to the resources they need to thrive. Here at Remark! our Access Department create accessible content day in day out for a diverse range of clients. Want to know more? Check our Access Page here - Translation and Subtitles — Remark!
How can we Protect BSL?
Our Training Department at Remark! is one of the largest in the UK. Learning BSL can benefit everyone! BSL is not just for Deaf people - anyone can learn the language, and doing so can have a number of benefits. Learning BSL can help to improve communication skills, increase understanding of different cultures, and develop an understanding for people who have different experiences than our own. By protecting BSL, we are helping to ensure that morepeople have the opportunity to learn and benefit from this rich and fascinating language.
But this isn’t just about accessibility, communication barriers and cultural diversity, although all of those things are hugely important! Protecting BSL is a matter of human rights.
The ‘UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ recognises the right of Deaf people to use sign language as a means of communication. It has been ratified by over 180 countries, affirming the use of sign language as a primary means of communication, and that those who use sign language have the right to receive information and communication in accessible formats. By protecting BSL, we are helping to ensure that Deaf people have the right to full and equal participation in society. Nothing could be more vital than that.
So! I think you’ll agree, it’s incredibly important that we all work together to Protect BSL, and Remark! are making sure we do just that!